Camping in Florida


Camping In Florida

The adventures you see on this site are normally areas where we have camped or scouted for camping. Since this is the case, the types of sites you will see listed are more likely to be primitive sites, backpacking sites, car camping sites, Florida State Park sites, Florida State Forest sites, Ocala National Forest sites and recreation areas.


We have been hiking and camping in Florida for 30 years in various styles and locations. We started young as tent campers and then graduated to travel trailer camping with some tent camping thrown in. We have now started backpack, hammock camping and kayak camping. This will give you an idea of the types of camping reviews you will see here.


I try to make the information as accurate as possible at the time of the writing but encourage you to search other resources to confirm the information that is important to you. By this same token, if you find incorrect information, by all means contact me and I will make a mention or an update for future reference.